Are you looking for “how to” tips for editing posts and sharing on Facebook? We have both basic and advanced tips to share with you. Whether you are new to social media or have been on it for a while, there are always things to learn and changes to make navigating social sites more challenging.
Being on social media is similar to learning to drive a car. There is the dashboard, various knobs and dials (for social media that would be symbols and buttons) and learning their purpose and how they function is key to successful navigation.
Learn about:
- Why you need a business page
- Privacy Settings and post visibility
- Using hashtags
- How to edit a post
- How to delet a post
- Scheduling a post on a business page
- Sharing a post from a page/to a page
All social media platforms have a dashboard, since we will be talking about the Facebook platform today, note that you will always be able to see the blue bar at the top of the platform, which is your dashboard on Facebook, no matter where you are on the platform.
Personal Profile versus a Business Page:

Image 1
If you are an auther, publisher or blogger you will want to have a Business Page for better visibility and to stay within the terms of use on Facebook. If you use a personal profile your posts are only visible to your friends, depending on the settings of your profile. If you want more than your friends to see a post, be sure that the world symbol is showing under your name.
See Image #1 and note the downward pointing triangle is a drop down menu where you can change the setting. Another drop down menu option for a post is the three dots (elipses) to the right)
See Image #2 for the menu choices below

Image 2
Note: Facebook can and will delete personal profiles used for business. If you don’t currently have a business page, it’s a good idea to create one and invite your friends to it once you have the information filled out.
Yes, you can use # hashtags on Facebook. This makes what you are posting more visible on the platform. You can search on Facebook for a hashtag. It also makes tracking participation for an # event easier. It is recommended to only use 1-2 hashtags on Facebook, the viewing drops at 3 or more hashtags in a Facebook post.
Editing and Deleting:
Once you publish a post on Facebook you can edit the post or delete the post. Posting edits in the comments after you publish a post will rarely be seen by people scrolling through the newsfeed. The recommended way to handle these situations: you find an error, forgot to add something or want to clarify a post is to use the edit feature. On each post, whether on your personal profile or a business page, there is an edit feature. Click on the three dots to the right of your name or page name and the drop down menu will appear. See image #3 below.

Image #3
Editing: click on the “Edit Post” choice and Facebook will open the post and you can make your changes. Be sure to click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the post or your edits will not be saved.
Deleting: If you find you posted something that was a hoax or fake news, you can and would be better off deleting it to prevent it from spreading. Also, if you posted something and changed your mind, you can delete it or hide it from the page.
Caution: anything you post or share on social media can be located and used. Yes, someone could have copied that post or downloaded that image in the 2.3 seconds it was public. Pause before clicking the post button.
Scheduling Posts:
This feature is found on Facebook business pages only. This feature allows you to schedule posts right on the platform instead of using a third party application. (another great reason to have a business page)
Create the post as you normally would, including images, but instead of clicking on the publish button, choose the drop down and select “Schedule” See Image #4 below. Once you click on the schedule button a calendar and time menu will appear and you can choose a date and time, then click on the “schedule” button at the bottom of that menu.

Image #4
You will usually be scheduling for a time in the future or use the publish feature. Once you have scheduled a post, you will need to refresh your page to see it in the line up in the scheduled posts area.
There is also a backdate feature and a feature to save a post as a draft if you aren’t ready to schedule the post.
Wondering how to find the scheduled posts on your page once you schedule them?
On your business page, right under the place you would create a post, you will see a box with the number of posts scheduled, this is where you can access the scheduled posts area. Click on the see post(s) link. Image #5 has an example of what this might look like on a page.

Image #5
Sharing from your Business Page, Profile or another Business Page:
Sharing someone’s content is great way to get more visibility, improve your social media connections and another way to get interesting content on your page. As you scroll through the newsfeed, or visit a page, you might come across something you want to share with your friends and followers.
How to share posts on Facebook:
Step 1: Go to the post you want to share, then click on the “Share” option on that post – see Step #1 image below

Sharing Step 1
Step 2: Choose where you want to share the post. You will see a menu that has a blue bar that will say “Share on Your Timeline” or as shown in the image below “Share on a Page You Manage”. Note: the dropdown menu triangle and the choices shown on that menu in the image below. Click on you choice where of page or group where you want the post to appear.
(Note: you can always click on cancel if you change your mind about sharing the post)

Sharing Step 2
Step 3: Once you choose where you want to share the post, another menu will pop up if you manage more than one Facebook page. There is a scroll bar you can use to scroll through the pages until you find the one you need. Click on the page you want to share to. (If you aren’t a manger of a page, you won’t find that page on your list)

Sharing Step 3
Step 4: The post window will open up and this is your opportunity to add some wording to the share (recommended that you do), add appropriate hashtags or emojis in the status area. Double check that the correct page or location is showing above the status area. Once you have added your comments, click the post button or if you change your mind, the cancel button.

Sharing Step 4
That’s it! You have shared a post and will be able to see it on that page or profile. If you don’t see the shared post, you might need to click on refresh for it to be visible.
If you get a message saying you can’t share a post, that is because the person or page has privacy setting set so you won’t be able to share that post.
Now you know more about:
- Why you need a business page
- Privacy Settings and post visibility
- Using hashtags
- How to edit a post
- How to delet a post
- Scheduling a post on a business page
- Sharing a post from a page/to a page
Mastering social media can be done with a little time and effort. We hope you find these tips and “how to’s” helpful. There are many more features and tips for using Facebook and will dive into those on another blog post.
For more social media information or assistance visit Reduce the Chaos